Friday, 9 November 2012



The visit to the one place I thought would be heaven and excitement was one hell of a visit. We had to go through so many obstacles to get to the "place of heaven" where we knew that we were going to have fun. We knew when we got to the place we were going to have fun but because of the obstacles we did not reach our destination. The visit was a visit to the hospital.




1.            Being online is very distracting especially when it comes to school work, you take more time to finish an assignment because you keep on searching what's new on the Internet.
2.            The Internet can be risky for your health because it is not good to sit on the computer all day, you can get eye problems and other health problems.
3.            you learn to trust people whom you have never met before and disclose you information which they can use against you.
4.            There are many scams that can be used on the Internet, some can leave you with debts that you do not even know.
5.            Posting nasty comments about someone or your boss online and that person ends up knowing about them, this will cause you to lose your job or have enemies.
6.            Meeting new friends or reconnecting with the ones you thought you had lost
7.            Cyber bullying
8.            Having a stalker, getting a cyber boyfriends who becomes obsessed and end up stalking you.
9.            The Internet is a waste of time because you end up playing or searching unnecessary things while you should be doing other important things

10.         Make jokes that will turn into a huge media scandal.



Give me time to give you time. Give me time to sure you your are wrong. Give me time to show you that I was born for this. Give me time to understand your understanding. Give me time to choose my words correctly. Give me time to show you I am one of the strongest individuals outside and I am made to stand up for myself and not loose hope.

Give me time....


Thursday, 8 November 2012


WE all want to be different, be unique, have our own lingo and style and not follow what the next person is doing or follow a trend, yes at times we want to fit in but also at the sometime shine with in the crowd or wherever. we want to come with our own ideas and not tag along some old idea that one came up with a long time ago. but maybe once or whatever times one must try a cliche for the experience and also not be seen like a stubborn,blocked, naive person.

Remember at times fitting in and going along with the flow is fine and that is why one should TRY A CLICHE.........




Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it's a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from.

SOURCE: tipstagram_life12.png
‎​ Right now these are my thoughts.... In life w make stupid mistake n decision that back fire on us n make our lives a living hell,change our lives maybe for the good or the bad. W do things thing that people won't found out at the end. W d things w out thinking that hurt the ones w love. W do things that end d end make those who love us end up hating us n not wanting to be associated with us.

SOURCE: mistake.gif


SOURCE:thought_cycle.gif(blog spot)
SOURCE: book‑behavior‑never‑lies.jpg

Feelings follow behavior, nuh have to disagree with this one sorry, your actions are a result of what you feel bad, you act in such a feel good, you act in such a manner.

So all in all, behavior follows feelings, there's a lot of feelings one can experience, they will determine how you act or behave, it doesn't end at feeling good or bad. Trick is to feel and absorb the feelings and then act later...this can save you from a lot for later


research, look the part and have people asking for your opinion at all times, now what you wouldn't have seen is that you've become much wiser and reliable when in come to information. Soon you wouldn't have to talk during a discussion, nod your head and the discussion is over!! Shake your head and the speaking party looks silly. Your opinion is trusted big time at this stage, all because you decided to practice a little than talk more, this became a habit and it takes only 28 days to create a habit!

Research and experimental development is formal work undertaken systematically to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humanity, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge


They say practice makes perfect, well I guess this is not far from that...when it comes to talking I guess "practicing" that is mention in this context would refer to "research"...

Know what you would be talking about, as it would make you look like you know what you talking about, resulting in you looking less like an ass...ultimately there are more benefits to you doing research on anything in general that you'd refer to talk about...

This would definitely start off as someone trying to prove a point, you could win in this and people would take you seriously due to your research!! Good for you, on the next conversation you will have all the attention even thou you don't know half of what is being spoken off!


Monday, 17 September 2012


If  you could ask me to describe myself ,id probably say I am an outgoing person, adventurous  takes on anything and who is ready for anything. I am the type of person that trys out anything new and amongst my friends I am the one that goes first because of my ambitious attitude.

I make sure that at least I try out something new, something that will make me a better person, something that id get something good at the end and get some knowledge. As a person you have to do things to better yourself and to know something new about other people, countries, food, books etc.


Tuesday, 17 July 2012


Everyone has lied at some point in their life, whether it was a small or big lie. Anyone who says they don't lie or has never lied, they are lying to themselves. It is easy to conjure up a lie, but you have it cover it up each time with another lie. You have to believe the lie to convince the next person of your lie therefore you are lying to yourself first and foremost.

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself but at times we lie to ourselves because we want to feel better about things that are happening in our lives, for example a loved one is in hospital and you see that his/her condition is bad, but you lie to yourself because you do npt want to loose hope. we lie because we want to smile, but at times it is a very bad and poor idea because in that way you are misleading yourself. for example you see that things are not going well in your relationship and you see that it will end any moment but you still lie and say "we going to work things out' now that is a poor idea.


One hand cannot really clap and even the "clap" from your one hand is not as loud as when you are clapping with both of your hands. the sound of one hand clapping is very soft and what dos that mean to you?? is it a sign of lonesome or could it be stress. Some of us, when we are stress we tend to "clap" with one hand to relieve some stress, infact i do that and alot.


I have always said, i wish i could go spend a night in hospital, for the "hospital life experience". My dream came true, on the 6th April 2012 I was admitted at Mitchells Plain Medical Center, i was there for about six days. I collapsed because of my migraine,i had this headache for about three days before i landed in hospital. i love getting attention and I thought aftr waking up from the hospital bed il get all the attention i want,giggle. first day was fine, i was tired all i did was sleep.

Next day, we had to wake up at about past five in the morning for the nurses to change our linen, wash if we want to and that is when i got annoyed, thinking how can they awake up patients at the time. two days now in hospital and all i wanted to do was to go home because i was bored, all we did was eat and sleep. i had to go with the drip everyway i go.

all i have to say, yes i wanted to experience the hospital life but i got bored of the medication and the place. hospital life is boring. i will never go back to that place again!!!


I will firstly write what i think about maoney or of money. i have to say that MONEY is the root of all evil in my eyes. Individuals do evil/bad all in the name of money. we all want money and some of us will go a certain mile just to get money, even commit crime just to have the notes in their hands.
 Love of money causes tremendous damage and destruction not only at home level but in all over the world. No doubt money is needed to fulfill our basic needs of life but extra ordinary love of money is really the cause of all evils. When our necessary needs leads to luxurious we are getting involved to gather it more and more.
Our strong Urge to get more money and living a better lifestyle indulge us in many evils.
"Accordimg to the new living translation bible 1 Timothy 6:10, For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows".

Yes, money is the root of all evils as people tend to forget the ten commandments just for the love of money.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012


Who said that those who are wander are lost? who came up with that saying? What if they are actually thinking of what they have have to do, their agendas, problem etc and they actually know what they are thinking about. i tend to wander alot, but not because im lost, because my attention is taken by my thoughts and paying attention to my thoughts.

a poem by Tolkein goes like this:
All that is gold does not glitter,
not all those who wander are lost;
the old that is strong does not wither,
deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
a light from the shadows shall spring;
renewed shall be blade that was broken,
the crownless again shall be king.
-J. R. R. Tolkien from The Lord of the Rings
we might not see things the same way and we might wander why somethings were made different, just because the next person wandered why other things happen different does not mean thy are lost.

Friday, 30 March 2012


How did i get there from the first place? Did i fly, did i take some stairs or ladder what? but i got there anyways, i have got to say it is scary, having to look down and knowing that when i go down i will be going back to reality, going back to face the problems of life,the argumnets, the jealousy and the backstabbing. i have got to say that where I am right now is quiet comfortable, no worries whatsoever just relaxation. while i am here i have the chance to listen to myself, have me time and think about the important things about klife and what other people have said to me about life and other important aspects. i will be inquiring deeply about my emotions and feelings and why certain things in life hacve to happen or why there are happening.

The question is, do i want to go back down "there"? it is much more comfortable here, im taking a gap from life and other problems, it is all about me and thinking through life.
 i do not want to know" how do you step from the top of a 100-foot pole" because i love being ontop and being here too.


Thursday, 29 March 2012


I keep wondering who came up with the whole thing of school and i keep wondering how life would be without school, would we be where we are right now, doing the things we do, stressing and getting the high wages that we want. i wonder waht would life be if we had not need to go to school or work. would they be the kinds of technology that we are using now, the life we living and the jobs that some of us have. who thought that school is one of the important things in life and we have to go to school to gain the knowledge we have today and other things all thanks to school.

The point of school is something that seems to go over a lot of people's heads. Nobody cares what you learn in school. At all. I mean come on. Who cares if you can remember the quadratic formula or that Au is the symbol for gold.
What school does for you is give you problems. Doesn't matter what that problem is. Math problems, English papers, famous historic events...Whatever. School throws these things at us so that we can look at what is there and solve it.
It is a matter of what you have learned but also, that you were able to take a problem that you knew nothing about before and figure it out. It is the development of the mind and the accessibility of what is out there that makes school so important.


Friday, 23 March 2012


Source: friends
WHAT IS A FRIEND? We all have different definitions/explaination as to what is a friend but to me a friend is someone close to you heart and special. A friend is:
  • your sister
  • your bestfriend
  • the one person you can trust
  • the one person that is always there for you(a shoulder to cry on)
  • the one that knows you best.
i have got the craziest bunch of friends at all times, with them there is never a dull moment. you forget your worries and they lift your spirit up at all times. lets just think for a moment, what would our lives be like without any friends, because at the end, friends are like family there is that ond that nobody can do about it. A friend is someone who tells you whenever you do something wrong that you are wrong and will always tell you the truth no matter what.
good friends are always by your side no matter what.
a friend is like a hug, it is very special.
a friend is some who listens.


If one behaves in a certain manner,if he or she is rowdy,rude, loud etc that person is showing people what kind of a person he or she is. it is said that if you want to know a persons character you will to look at his or her circle of friends. meaning that if my are the type of people that smoke,rob people thats us. WE ARE WHAT WE DO. action speak louder than words. people become what they do. According to Timothy and Wilson(psychologist) "People draw inferences about who they are, by observing their own behavior."

Self-perception theory turns common wisdom on its head. People act the way they do because of their personality traits and attitudes, right?  we often need to look to our behavior to figure out who we are. Self-perception theory thus anticipated the revolution in psychology in the study of human consciousness, a revolution that revealed the limits of introspection, says Timothy and Wilson.

we often judge people by their behaviour,if we have seen a certain individual behaving in a certain manner we will change that she is that type of person. maybe this one night she was stressed and had too much to drink and was acting all kind of funny and vomiting, we will judge her/him according to that and say he/she is the type that gets wasted. the saying is true 'WE ARE WHAT WE DO". If you have applied for a job and that certain company goes to your facebook page and sees the things you post  and will see from all those things what kind of an individual are you. WE ARE WHAT WE DO.


What are these wrong these that we are afraid of, are we afriad of doing the wrong thing such as being caught doing the wrong thing or us humans wanting to be perfect at all times. are we so afraid that we are even scared to takes risks to do what we believe in because we have a fear of doing the wrong thing?
what are these wrong these??

source: we are afraid of teh wrong things
i have always been that shy person, who only is opened up to those i am comfortablw with, i was always scared of huge crowds, having to do speeches and presentation. first year i was really afraid of doing presentation infront of my fellow students, i do not know whether it was a phobia of some sort or what but i was scared. as the year went by still my nerves and afraid wishing that i would just disappear in thin air when i have to do my presentation. second year, presentations still and im like, i chose Public Relations for a reason and i knew that if i wanted to pass and graduate i had to go through the presentations and do them well. all along i was afraid of the wrong thing.

Friday, 16 March 2012


As we grew up, in primary in each grade we were asked who is you hero, who do you look up, who is your leader,you role model and why? i used to have different role models each different grade but as i was groeing up and than realised that infact i have one HERO,LEADER, ROLEMODEL and that was my GRANDMOTHER- CYNTHIA SODZEME. she is one of the strongest, brave, clever, harderworker, a fighter , a go-getter and she is my hero.

the reason why my granny is my rolemodel/ hero, she just never fails me nor her children, grandchildren, her family or anyone who asks for help from her she will do her best to make sure that she gets want has to be done. she is the breadwinner nad she is not working, she is self-employed, witchdoctor. it is not everyday that she helps people and gets in money nad remember she does not have a bank account but sh keeps her money and makes sure whatever happends she has money and that her family should eat everyday.

Friday, 9 March 2012


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One of those day when you feel like you were at the wrong place at the wrong time, were you get to witness what had just happen. Now this what happened to me. I was making my way to my room at the resident where i saty, while making my way, I saw a suspicious looking character going inside my neighbour's room because she saw me and she had a laptop charger with her. Sometghing told me that that particular person was up to no good because when she saw me she immedaitely went back inside the room. when I got into my roo  i checked my laptop and laptop charger and did what i had to do in my room and went back to the laundry.
This all happened around about past 1 to 2 on the afternoon and later on the day my friend tells me that my neighbours laptop and I told her of what I saw earlier on the day and she told my neighbour. I got called in  and i went to my neighbour and other students that were waiting to hear what had happened. I told them the story of what i saw etc and now today I am the suspect but I was the whistle blower. the queations i was asked, infact i was being interrogated, cross questioned and everything and i felt like i did it, I felt like a criminal and being asked questions like,why did you not go in her room and see if it was her? You failed to do your part. Was i to do so and then the next when someone sees me going out of the room, they will say I stole the laptop??

I feel like I just did not say a word because now I AM the SUSPECT,THE CRIMINAL but I was only trying to help. HOW DID I FAIL BUT I DID MY PART OF REPORTING WHAT I SAW?

Thursday, 23 February 2012


When i was growing up, i was the tallest amongest my friends and i used to enter beauty pageants and win them. one of the judges suggested i should be a professional model and even when i was growing peopla were like "Mamela you should be a model, your body is perfect and you height too". ever since then i got interested in the modeling world and i saw myself in one of the magazines, people looking at me in catalogues and being famous. it was my dream and if i did not make it in the modelling world i will some how be in the media.

i love the camera and i know that i was one of the photogenic people who knew exactly what to do in front of the camera and i was not show at all. in any chance that i get, i will dress up, walk around my house and ask my friends to take pictures of me and i will pose and pose till they get bored. i am the type of person that loves fashion
this is what being  model means to me:
  • it is all about confidence
  • being comfortable
  • being happy
  • enjoying what you doing
  • being fashionable

Mind your style, top to bottom! There are two things that can make or break your look: your hair and your shoes.


uhmmmmmm, "IF I WERE THE BOSS" everybody wants to be a boss, we all that position at a certain stage of our lifes and we all have certain things we are going to do when we reach that stage.Iif I were the BOSS......

Being a BOSS is a very high and respected position,a lot is demanded from a boss and alot is seen from a boss. If the boss is very active, deadline kind of person, the workers will follow the boss's footstep. Now if I were the boss will have the following characteristics: psychologist, a friend, an inspiration, disciplinarian, an organiser, technician, a motivator and a communicator.As I said before a boss is someone follow co-workers look up to and they follow my footsteps, if i treat them right and motibate them they will work hard and be productive.If I were the boss I will be a role model.

Being a boss is a cool thing and an awesome but I will try to be one of those fun bosses so that my follow workers will open up to me and feel free to tell me or ask me anything that they need to.Need make sure that I know my wokers personally for example know their names and not just call them by "mr or miss" and make sure that i know their weakness and strengths too.


Friday, 17 February 2012


In high school we were given topics to choose from to present in our presentation class, and by like I chose Valentines Day. I had to research about about Valentines Day, why are we celebrating Valentines day, who is Valentines day etc.. When i researched , I saw that Valentine was actually a person and that valentine was actually about love.

Ever since that day I have always wondered exactly, exactly what is love and why do we love. I listen to individual saying I love my boyfriend, family and so forth and I just wanted to really know and I got curious as to what people had to say when they are asked what is love.
On Valentines Day, students at CPUT were given a chance to write what they think is love; some said love is money,some said love is love,it is care,it is God, some even asked if Love is ever enough and some wrote I do not know what is love.
 According to Love  Session website, this is what love is: Love is patient, love is kind. It has no envy, nor it boasts itself and it is never proud. It rejoices over the evil and is the truth seeker. Love protects; preserves and hopes for the positive aspect of life. Always stand steadfast in love, not fall into it. It is like the dream of your matter of affection coming true.  
heart: what is loveLove can occur between two or more individuals. It bonds them and connects them in a unified link of trust, intimacy and interdependence. It enhances the relationship and comforts the soul. Love should be experienced and not just felt. The depth of love can not be measured. Look at the relationship between a mother and a child. The mother loves the child unconditionally and it can not be measured at all.   A different dimension can be attained between any relationships with the magic of love. Love can be created. You just need to focus on the goodness of the other person. If this can be done easily, then you can also love easily. And remember we all have some positive aspect in us, no matter how bad our deeds maybe. And as God said Love all...... All I know is..... WE ALL NEED LOVE. xoxo

Two people come out of a building and into a story.


A couple living at the SIX Flat, everyday around about six thirty when they have relaxed after coming back from work usually they take a walk to the Gardens and jog back. this particular day the boyfriend had planed something for his girlfriend and wanted to surprise him.

He came back early from work to prepare the little something so that it would be perfect for his girlfriend. they have been together for about seven years and the boyfriend thought it was about time he moved on to the next "step" and surprise his girlfriend that he really loved.

As they walked out of the Six building,not knowing that the girlfriend was walking into a story that one day she will tell her children. as they walked out of the building, her boyfriend had organised a surprised for her, he had organised a group of singers to sing as they walked out of the building. Banners were raised as they walked out and singing in the background happened and the last banner that was raised wrote " will you marry me, Ayanda?" she could not believe it and that day she never forget.

Two people walked out of a building and into a story and this was Ayanda's story as to how her boyfriend engaged to her......


LAUGHING.....HAHAHAHAH, THE BEST MEDICINE. We all love to laugh, because when we love we happy and our faces relax. I  will be pointing out some important facts as to why is Laughing good for you.
According to Paul E. McGhee a doctor, Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain, and conflict. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert.

According to Rob Mansfield,( laughing can improve your health. Laughing is good because of the following:

  • Laughter boost your immune system
  • Laughter improves your social life
  • laughter relieves pain
  • laughter helps relieve depression
  • laughter boost your relationship
  • Laughter protects your heart
  • laughter lowers your blood pressure
  • laughter improves your breathing
  • laughter helps you lose weight
it helps to laugh a little as you can see that laughing is not just laughing but it is the best medication as it results to improving your health. when laughter is shared it binds people together improving lots of things in a relationship and friendship.